
 2022-07-30 16:45:09



关键词:喷雾; 液滴; 杨树叶片; 润湿性

Study on the action of spray droplets on the surface of poplar leaves

ABSTRACT: At present, the pesticide droplets used in the prevention and control of agricultural and forestry diseases and insect pests cannot be well attached to the leaf surface, resulting in high pesticide input, low utilization rate and environmental pollution. In this paper, through constructing the droplets wetting characteristics test bench, according to the poplar leaves in different growth period, change the spray droplet size and auxiliaries and its concentration, spray droplet in poplar leaves surface wettability study, with the poplar wetting properties parameters change rule,got the droplet wetting mechanism of poplar leaves in different periods .This study has important research value and practical significance for improving the utilization rate of pesticides, reducing the dosage, protecting the ecological environment and realizing the sustainable development of agriculture and forestry.

Key words:mist spray; liquid drop; poplar leaf; wettability




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