4.1 Introduction
Aggregates refer to the material derived from natural rocks, or are the by-product of the manufacturing process of other materials, (e.g., the manufacturing of steel generates slag as a by-product that has been used as an aggregate). Aggregates are an important ingredient of the materials used in highway construction. They constitute 70% to 85% by weight of portland cement concrete (PCC) and hot-mix asphalt (HMA). By volume, the correspond-ing ratios are 60% to 75% for PCC and 75% to 85% for HMA,
respectively. The physical, |
mechanical, and chemical proper- |
ties of aggregates play an |
important role in the performance |
of both rigid and flexible |
pavements. This chapter discusses |
the different classifications of aggregates, aggregate properties, and the influence of these properties on the performance of pavements.
Pavement Design and Materials, A.T. Papagiannakis and E.A. Masad
copy; 2008 by John Wiley amp; Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Published by John Wiley amp; Sons, Inc.
74 4 Aggregates
4.2 Aggregate Types and Classifications
4.2.1 Classi- Aggregates derived from natural rocks can be classified on the basis fication Based of size as crushed stone, sand, or gravel. Crushed stone refers to the on Source different rock types and sizes that are produced by blasting and then crushing. Sand and gravel comprise any clean mixture of aggregate sizes found in natural deposits, such as stream channels. The word “natural” in reference to sand is sometimes used to indicate that this aggregate is available in natural deposits and not produced through crushing processes. In some cases, the word “manufactured” in ref-erence to sand is used to refer to the small sizes of crushed stone.
Based on information from the Bureau of Mines, the Aggregate Hand-book states that the about 2.1 billion tons of aggregates derived from rocks are produced annually, of which 897 million tons are sand and gravel; the remaining 1.2 billion tons are crushed stones13. The per-centages of crushed stones produced by geological origin are given in Figure 4.1.
Aggregates can also be classified on the basis of the geological ori-gin of their parent rock, as igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Igneous rocks are formed by cooling of the molten liquid silicate
Sandstone and
Quartzite, 2.30%
Traprock, 8.30%
Granite, 14.50%
Figure 4.1
Other (Slate, Marl,
and Shell), 3.90%
Limestone and
Dolomite, 71%
Percentages of Different Types of Crushed Stone Produced Annually
4.2 Aggregate Types and Classifications |
75 |
referred to as magma. Igneous rocks are either crystalline in struc-ture, with fine or coarse grains, or have a noncrystalline or glassy structure. Their texture size and type depend on the geological pro-cess that created them. Extrusive igneous rocks are formed where the magma reached the earthrsquo;s surface as ash or lava and cooled rapidly at the surface to form fine-grained or glassy rock. Intrusive igneous rocks are formed where the magma cooled slower under the earthrsquo;s crust and formed larger crystals. Basalts and granites are examples of extrusive and intrusive rocks, respectively.
Sedimentary rocks are formed at the earthrsquo;s surface or under water, due to consolidation of sedimentary materials or chemical precipitates. The sedimentary materials are the result of the dis-integration of existing rocks under the effect of clastic processes such as weathering and abrasion by wind, water, ice, or gravity. The sediments harden due to the cementation by silica and carbonate minerals and the pressure under the weight of overlying deposits. The rocks formed by sediments are referred to as clastic rocks. Examples of clastic rocks are sandstone, siltstone, and shale. The sedimentary rocks formed by chemical precipitates are called carbon-ate rocks. These rocks are formed by the deposition and cementation of the shells of marine animals, shells of marine plants, and fine carbonate mud that precipitates from marine water. Examples of carbonate rocks are limestone and dolomite.
Metamorphic rocks are formed by the recrystallization of sedimen-tary and igneous rocks under the influence of pressure and tem-perature. Examples of metamorphic rocks are gneiss, quartzite, and marble.
Aggregates that are by-products of the manufacturing of another material are referred to, in some cases, as man-made aggregates or arti-ficial aggregates. An example of by-product aggregate is slag, which is produced during the metallurgical processing of steel, iron, tin, and copper. The most widely used variety is blast-furnace slag, which is a nonmetallic product that is developed in a molten condition simul-taneously with iron in a blast furnace. Expanded slag is produced by expanding blast-furnace slag by mixing it with water while it is still molten.
Aggregates are classified in terms of size, as fine and coarse. The |
4.2.2 Classifi- |
size that separates fine from coarse aggregates differs, based on the |
cation Based |
application and the intended use of the aggregates. According to |
on Size |
ASTM C125, which relates to PCC, fine aggregate sizes are defined as |
76 4 Aggregates
those passing the No. 4 sieve (4.75 mm) and predominantly retained on the No. 200 (75 m) sieve. Coarse aggregates are defined as those predominantly retained on the No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve. For HMAs, the No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve or the No. 8 (2.36 mm) sieve are typically used to separate the fine aggregate from the coarse aggregate sizes.
4.3 Aggregate Properties
There are many AASHTO and ASTM specifications and tests for aggregates, as summarized in Tables 4.1 and 4.2, respectively. Some of these tests were adapted for use in Superpave,trade; a contraction of Superior Performing Pavements (a trademark of the U.S. Depart-ment of Transportation), which was developed under the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP). The objective of the discussion in the following sections is not to describe the details of these tests but rather to explain the impact of the properties of aggregates on the behavior and performance of the pavement layers, where these aggregates are used.
4.3.1 Physical |
Properties |
Aggregate gradation gives the percentage of each of the sizes in a |
blend. It is typically expressed as the percentage of the aggregate |
blend passing sieves with standard openings. The size distribution of |
aggregate particles is directly related to the performance of the pave- |
ment layers. In general, aggregate size distributions are classified as |
gap graded, uniform, well-graded, or open graded. These distributions are |
shown in a semi-long scale in Figure 4.2. The sieves that are typically |
used in determining the gradation are 2 in, 1– 1∕2 in., 1 in., 3∕4 in., 1∕2 |
in., 3/8 in., No. 4, No. 8, No. 16, No. 30, No. 50, No. 100, and No. 200 |
(50.8 mm, 37.5 mm, 25.4 mm, 19.0 mm, 12.5 mm, 9.5 mm, 4.75 mm, |
2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, 0.6 mm, 0.3 mm, 0.15 mm and 0.075 mm, respec- |
tively). |
Aggregate gradation is typically presented in a graphical form in |
which the percent of aggregate passing a sieve size is plotted on the |
ordinate in an arithmetic scale, and the particle size is plotted on |
the abscissa in a logarithmic scale. Alternatively, it can be plotted |
using the Fuller and Thompson method, whereby the percent pass- |
ing is plotted versus the particle size, raised to an exponent n. Fuller |
4.3 Aggregate Properties |
77 |
Table 4.1
ASTM and AASHTO Aggregate Specifications (Ref. 13)
Specifications |
Specifications |
Title |
M-43 |
C 448 |
Standard Sizes of Coarse Aggregate |
M-283 |
Coarse Aggregates for Highway and Airport Construction |
D 2940 |
Graded Aggregate for Bases or Subbases |
M-147 |
Materials for Aggregate and Soil-Aggregate Subbase, |
Base, and Surface Courses |
M-155 |
Granular Material to Control Pumping Under Concrete |
Pavement |
M-29 |
D 1073 |
Fine Aggregate for Bituminous Paving Mixtures |
D 692 |
Aggregate for Bituminous Paving Mixtures |
M-17 |
D 242 |
Mineral Filler for Bituminous Paving Mixtures |
R-12 |
Bituminous Mixture Design Using Marshall and Hveem |
Procedures |
D 3515 |
Hot-Mixed, Hot-Laid Bituminous Paving Mixtures |
D 693 |
Crushed Aggregate for Macadam Pavements |
D 1139 |
Crushed Stone, Crushed Slag, and Gravel for Bituminous |
Surface Treatments |
M-6 |
Fine Aggregate for PC Concrete |
M-80 |
Coarse Aggregate for PC Concrete |
C 38 |
Concrete Aggregates |
M-195 |
C 330 |
Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Concrete |
R-1 |
E 380 |
Metric Practice Guide |
R-10 |
Definitions of Terms for Specifications and Procedures |
R-11 |
E 29 |
Practice for Indicating Which Places of Figures Are To Be |
Considered Significant in Specified Limiting Values |
M-145 |
Classification of Soils and Soil-Aggregate, Fill Materials, |
and Base Materials |
M-146 |
Terms Related to Subgrade, Soil-Aggregate, and Fill |
Materials |
D 8 |
Definitions of Terms Relating to Materials for Roads and |
Pavements |
C 125 |
Terminology Relating to Concrete and Concrete |
Aggregates |
D 3665 |
Random Sampling of Construction Materials |
and Thompson observed that the aggregate reaches its maximum possible density (i.e., densest packing of particles) when its gradation matches the following expression:
P = 100(d∕D)n |
(4.1) |
78 4 Aggregates
Table 4.2
ASTM and AASHTO Aggregate Tests (Ref. 13)
Procedures |
Procedures |
Title |
M-92 |
E 11 |
Wire Cloth Sieves for Testing Purposes |
M-132 |
D 12 |
Terms Relating to Density and Specific Gravity |
M-231 |
— |
Weights and Balances Used in Testing |
— |
D 3665 |
Evaluation of Inspecting and Testing Agencies for |
Bituminous Paving Materials |
— |
C 1077 |
Practice for Laboratories Testing Concrete and Concrete |
Aggregates |
T-2 |
D 75 |
Sampling Aggregates |
T-248 |
C 702 |
Reducing Field Samples of Aggregate to Testing Size |
T-87 |
D 421 |
Dry Preparation of Disturbed Soil and Soil Aggregate |
Samples for Tests |
T-146 |
D 2217 |
Wet Preparation of Disturbed Soil Samples for Tests |
T-27 |
C 136 |
Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates |
T-11 |
C 117 |
Amount of Material Finer Than the No. 200 Sieve |
T-30 |
Mechanical Analysis of Extracted Aggregates |
T-88 |
D 422 |
Particle Size Analysis of Soils |
T-37 |
D 546 |
Sieve Analysis of Mineral Filler |
T-176 |
D 2419 |
Sand Equivalent Test for Plastic Fines in Graded |
Aggregates and Soils |
— |
D 4318 |
Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils |
T-210 |
D 3744 |
Aggregate Durability Index |
T-104 |
C 88 |
Soundness of Aggregate by Use of Sodium Sulfate or |
Magnesium Sulfate |
T-103 |
— |
Soundness of Aggregates by Freezing and Thawing |
— |
D 4792 |
Potential Expansion of Aggregates from Hydration |
Reactions |
T-161 |
C 666 |
Resistance of Concrete to Rapid Freezing and Thawing |
— |
C 671 |
Critical Dilation of Concrete Specimens Subjected to |
Freezing |
— |
C 682 |
Evaluation of Frost Resistance of Coarse Aggregates in |
Air-Entrained Concrete by Critical Dilation Procedures |
T-96 |
C 131 or C 535 |
Resistance to Abrasion of Small- or Large-Size Coarse |
Aggregate by Use of the Los Angeles Machine |
T-21 |
C40 |
Organic Impurities in Sands for Concrete |
T-71 |
C 87 |
Effect of Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregate on |
Strength of Mortar |
T-112 |
C 142 |
Clay Lumps and Friable Particles in Aggregate |
T-113 |
C 123 |
Lightweight Pieces in Aggregate |
— |
C 294 |
Nomenclature of Constituents of Natural Mineral |
Aggregate |
— |
C 295 |
Practice for Petrographic Examination of Aggregates for |
Concrete |
4.3 Aggregate Properties |
79 |
Table 4.2 |
(Continued) |
Procedures |
Procedures |
Title |
— |
C 227 |
Alkali Reactivity Potential of Cement-Aggregate |
Combinations |
— |
C 289 |
Potential Reactivity of Aggregates |
— |
C 586 |
Potential Alkali Reactivity of Carbonate Rocks for |
Concrete Aggregate |
— |
D 4791 |
Flat or Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate |
— |
C 342 |
Volume Change Potential of Cement-Aggregate |
Combinations |
— |
C 441 |
Mineral Admixture Effectiveness in Preventing |
Excessive Expansion Due to Alkali Aggregate |
Reaction |
T-165 |
D 1075 |
Effect of Water on Cohesion of Compacted Bituminous |
Mixtures |
T-182 |
D 1664 |
Coating and Stripping of Bitumen —Aggregate |
Mixtures |
T-195 |
D 2489 |
Determining Degree of Particle Coating of Bituminous |
Aggregate Mixtures |
T-270 |
— |
Centrifuge Kerosene Equivalent and Approximate |
Bitumen Ratio (ABR) |
T-283 |
— |
Resistance of Compacted Bituminous Mixture to |
Moisture-Induced Damage |
— |
D 4469 |
Calculating Percent Absorption by the Aggregate in an |
Asphalt Pavement Mixture |
— |
D 1559 |
Resistance to Plastic Flow—Marshall Apparatus |
— |
D 1560 |
Deformation and Cohesion–Hveem Apparatus |
T-99 |
D 689 |
Moisture-Density Relationship Using a 5.5-Pound |
Rammer and a 12-Inch Drop |
T-180 |
D 1557 |
Moisture-Density Relationship Using a 10-Pound |
Rammer and an 18-Inch Drop |
T-215 |
D 2434 |
Permeability of Granular Soils |
T-224 |
D 4718 |
Correction for Coarse Particles in Soil Compaction |
Tests |
T-238 |
D 2922 |
Density of Soil and Soil Aggregate In-Place by Nuclear |
Methods |
T-239 |
D 3017 |
Moisture Content of Soil and Soil Aggregate In-Place |
by Nuclear Methods |
— |
D 4253 |
Index Density of Soils Using a Vibratory Table |
T-191 |
D 1556 |
Density of Soil In-Place by the Sand Cone Method |
T-205 |
D 2167 |
Density of Soil In-Place by the Rubber Balloon Method |
(continued overleaf ) |
80 |
4 Aggregates |
Table 4.2 |
(Continued) |
Procedures |
Procedures |
Title |
T-190 |
D 2844 |
Resistance R-Value and Expansion Pressure of |
Compacted Soils |
T-193 |
C 1883 |
California Bearing Ratio |
T-234 |
D 2850 |
Strength Parameters of Soils by Triaxial Compression |
T-274 |
Resilient Modulus of Subgrade Soils |
T-212 |
D 3397 |
Triaxial Classification of Base Materials, Soils, and Soil |
Mixtures |
T-84 |
C 128 |
Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate |
T-85 |
C 127 |
Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate |
T-19 |
C 29 |
Unit Weight and Voids in Aggregate |
T-242 |
E 374 |
Frictional Properties of Paved Surfaces Using a |
Full-Scale Tire |
T-279 |
D 3319 |
Accelerated Polishing of Aggregates Using the British |
Wheel |
T-278 |
E 303 |
Measuring Surface Frictional Properties Using the |
British Pendulum Tester (BPT) |
— |
D 3042 |
Insoluble Residue in Carbonate Aggregates |
— |
E 707 |
Skid Resistance of Paved Surfaces Using the NC State |
Variable-Speed Friction Tester |
— |
E 660 |
Accelerated Polishing of Aggregates or Pavement |
Surfaces Using a Small-Wheel Circular Polishing |
Machine |
— |
D 4791 |
Flat or Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate |
— |
D 3398 |
Index of Aggregate Particle Shape and Texture |
TP-58 |
D6928 |
Resistance of Coarse Aggregate to Degradation by |
Abrasion in the Micro-Deval Apparatus |
where P is the percentage of aggregates passing the sieve size d, D is the maximum aggregate size in the gradation, and the exponent n has a value of 0.5. Note that the FHWA has recommended a slightly smaller value for this exponent of 0.45. An example of Fullerrsquo;s max-imum density line for an exponent for a maximum aggregate size of 25.0 is shown in Figure 4.3.
Aggregate blends are designated by their maximum aggregate size or their nominal maximum aggregate. According to ASTM C 125, the maximum size refers to the smallest sieve through which 100% of the aggregate sample particles pass, and the nominal maximum size as the largest sieve that retains some (i.e., less than 10% by
4 集料
4.1 介绍
路面结构设计和材料,A.T. Papagiannakis和E.A. Masad
2008copy;由John威利amp; Sons,公司保留所有权利。威利父子出版公司。
骨料按大小分为细粒度和粗粒度。这个从粗集到粗集的大小不同,基于骨料的应用和预期用途。根据ASTM C125,其中涉及到PCC,细骨料的大小被定义为
4 集聚物
表4.1 ASTM和AASHTO骨料规格(参考文献13)
ASTM规格 |
标题 |
M-43 |
C 448 |
粗集料标准粒径 |
M-283 |
粗集料的公路和机场建设 |
D 2940 |
基地或底基层集料级配 |
M-147 |
为总结和土壤集料基层材料,基础和表面课程 |
M-155 |
控制混凝土路面下泵送的颗粒材料 |
M-29 |
D 1073 |
沥青铺路混合料细集料 |
D 692 |
沥青铺路混合料集料 |
M-17 |
D 242 |
沥青铺路混合料用矿物填料采用马歇尔和Hveem沥青混合料设计程序 |
D 3515 |
热拌热铺沥青混合料 |
D 693 |
破碎的碎石路面骨料 |
D 1139 |
碎石、碎渣和沥青碎石表面处理 |
M-6 |
pc混凝土细集料 |
M-80 |
pc混凝土粗集料 |
C 38 |
混凝土骨料 |
M-195 |
C 330 |
结构混凝土轻骨料 |
R-1 |
E 380 |
度量实践指南 |
R-10 |
规范和程序术语的定义 |
R-11 |
E 29 |
在指定的限制值中标明哪些地方被认为是重要的 |
M-145 |
土壤和土壤集料、填充材料和基础材料的分类 |
M-146 |
与路基、土壤集料和填充材料有关的术语 |
D 8 |
道路和路面材料相关术语的定义 |
C 125 |
混凝土和混凝土骨料术语 |
D 3665 |
建筑材料随机抽样 |
P = 100(d∕D)n |
(4.1) |
4 章
ASTM规格 |
标题 |
M-29 |
E 11 |
测试用金属丝布筛 |
M-132 |
D 12 |
与密度和比重有关的术语 |
M-231 |
用于测试的砝码和天平 |
D 3665 |
沥青路面材料检验机构的评价 |
C 1077 |
混凝土和混凝土骨料实验室试验规程 |
T-2 |
D 75 |
集料取样 |
T-248 |
C 702 |
减少骨料现场样品到试验尺寸 |
T-87 |
D 421 |
原状土和土壤团聚体干制备试验 |
T-146 |
D 2217 |
试验用扰动土试样的湿制备 |
T-27 |
C136 |
细集料与粗集料的筛分分析 |
T-11 |
C117 |
比200号筛子细的物料数量 |
T-30 |
萃余物的力学分析 |
T-88 |
D422 |
土壤粒度分析 |
T-37 |
D546 |
矿物填料的筛分分析 |
T-176 |
D2419 |
级配碎石和土壤中塑料细砂的等效试验 |
D4318 |
土的液限、塑限和塑性指数 |
T-210 |
D3744 |
骨料耐久性指标 |
T-104 |
C88 |
用硫酸钠或硫酸镁对骨料的安定性 |
T-103 |
冻融作用下团聚体的安定性 |
D4792 |
水化反应中团聚体的电位膨胀 |
T-161 |
C666 |
混凝土对快速冻融的抵抗力 |
C671 |
混凝土试件在冻结过程中的临界膨胀 |
C682 |
用临界膨胀法评价加气混凝土中粗集料的抗冻性 |
T-96 |
C131orC535 |
洛杉矶机械对大粒径粗骨料的耐磨性 |
T-21 |
C40 |
混凝土砂中的有机杂质 |
T-71 |
C87 |
细集料中有机杂质对砂浆强度的影响 |
T-112 |
C142 |
在土块和易碎颗粒料 |
T-133 |
C123 |
骨料中的轻骨料 |
C294 |
命名的成分天然矿物骨料 |
C295 |
混凝土骨料岩相检验规程 |
ASTM规格 |
标题 |
C227 |
水泥集料的碱活性 |
C289 |
团聚体潜在反应性 |
C586 |
混凝土骨料碳酸盐岩的潜在碱活性 |
D4791 |
粗集料中的扁平或细长颗粒 |
C342 |
水泥集料体积变化潜力 |
C441 |
矿物掺和料防止碱骨料反应过度膨胀的效果 |
T-165 |
D1075 |
水对压实沥青混合料粘聚力的影响 |
T-182 |
D1664 |
沥青混合料的涂层与剥离 |
T-195 |
D2489 |
沥青混合料颗粒覆盖度的测定 |
T-270 |
离心机煤油当量和近似沥青比(ABR) |
T-283 |
压实沥青混合料对湿害的抵抗力 |
D4469 |
沥青混合料中骨料吸收率的计算 |
D1559 |
塑性流动阻力 |
D1560 |
变形和凝聚力–维姆仪 |
T-99 |
D689 |
使用5.5-磅锤和一个12英寸的降湿密度的关系 |
T-180 |
D1557 |
使用一个10磅的夯和一个18英寸的降湿密度的关系 |
T-215 |
D2434 |
颗粒土渗透性 |
T-224 |
D4718 |
土壤压实试验中粗颗粒的校正 |
T-238 |
D2922 |
核方法在土壤和土壤团聚体中的密度 |
T-239 |
D3017 |
用核方法测定土壤和土壤团聚体的含水量 |
D4253 |
用振动台测量土壤的指数密度 |
T-191 |
D1556 |
砂锥法测定土壤密度 |
T-205 |
D2167 |
用橡胶气球法土壤密度的地方(续页) |
ASTM规格 |
标题 |
T-190 |
D2844 |
压实土抗R值和膨胀压力 |
T-193 |
C1883 |
加利福尼亚承载比 |
T-234 |
D2850 |
轴压缩土强度参数 |
T-274 |
路基土回弹模量 |
T-212 |
D3397 |
基础材料、土壤和土壤混合物的三轴分类 |
T-84 |
C128 |
细集料的比重和吸收 |
T-85 |
C127 |
粗集料的比重和吸收 |
T-19 |
C29 |
骨料的单位重量和空隙率 |
T-242 |
E374 |
用全尺寸轮胎铺设路面的摩擦性能 |
T-279 |
D3319 |
用英国砂轮加速集料抛光 |
T-278 |
E303 |
采用摆式仪测定表面摩擦性能(BPT) |
D3042 |
碳酸盐聚集体中的不溶残渣 |
E707 |
基于数控状态变速摩擦试验机的路面防滑性能研究 |
E660 |
用小轮轮抛光机加速集料或路面的抛光 |
D4791 |
粗集料中的扁平或细长颗粒 |
D3398 |
颗粒形状和纹理指数 |
TP-58 |
D6928 |
粗集料的抗降解的磨损在微型Deval仪 |
值为0.5。请注意,联邦公路管理局推荐的这个指数0.45的较小值。Fuller的最大密度线为骨料最大粒径的25个指数的一个例子是图4.3所示。骨料混合料由其最大骨料粒径或其公称最大骨料决定。根据ASTM C 125,最大尺寸指的是最小的筛子,其中100%的聚合样品颗粒通过,最大公称尺寸为最大筛子,保留一些(即小于10%)。
4.1 Introduction
Aggregates refer to the material derived from natural rocks, or are the by-product of the manufacturing process of other materials, (e.g., the manufacturing of steel generates slag as a by-product that has been used as an aggregate). Aggregates are an important ingredient of the materials used in highway construction. They constitute 70% to 85% by weight of portland cement concrete (PCC) and hot-mix asphalt (HMA). By volume, the correspond-ing ratios are 60% to 75% for PCC and 75% to 85% for HMA,