45m 60m 45m三跨连续梁桥设计文献综述

 2022-08-03 14:59:48

45m 60m 45m三跨连续梁桥设计

摘 要

本次毕业设计内容为45m 60m 45m三跨连续梁桥设计,结合本桥特点及相关文献和书籍的查阅,针对预应力混凝土连续梁桥的发展概况、结构特点、施工方法和简要的计算方法等内容写下此文献综述。



45m 60m 45m three-span continuous beam bridge


The graduation project is 45m 60m 45m three-span continuous beam bridge. Combining with the characteristics of this bridge and related literature and books, the author writes down the literature review by summarizing the development of the prestressed concrete continuous beam bridge, structural features, construction methods and brief calculation methods .

From the number of the steel bridges, the reinforced concrete continuous beam bridges and the prestressed concrete continuous beam bridges has been built in China and abroad, the prestressed concrete continuous beam bridges have been far more than half of the total. Based on the advantages of prestressed concrete continuous beam bridge has a very strong competitiveness both in China and abroad. During the construction process, the prestressed concrete continuous beam bridge often has a system transformation, so the stress and deformation in the construction process need to be considered in the structural design. Different construction methods have different internal forces at each stage of construction,and sometimes structural control of internal forces appears in the construction stage. Therefore, for continuous beam bridge, the design and construction are inseparable, and the design of the structure must consider the construction method , internal forces and deformation during construction ; the selection of construction method should also be matched with the design requirements to form the relationship between design and construction.

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