Development of novel anticancer agents based on natural product文献综述

 2022-12-03 15:04:05

Research proposal

Title: Development of Novel Anticancer Agents based on Natural Products: a review

Submitted by: Ruksana Banu

Student number: 2620170021

Supervised by: Professor Hong Xue

Department: Basic medicine and clinical pharmacy

Background and Rationale

According to world health organization cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. An estimated 10 million deaths were directly related to cancer in the year 2020 CE (World Health Organization, 2021). Apart from the loss of life, cancer is also a huge economic burden globally. It is estimated that economic cost of cancer exceeds US$ 1 trillion annually worldwide. Ever since the first documented case of cancer in about 1500 BCE in Egypt found on a papyrus, cancer has caused fatality in humans with utter indifference. People from all races, nationalities, financial and social classes, professions, walks of life have been affected by this abomination. Evidence has been found how medical professionals from different eras have attempted to cure cancer since early medical practices began. Roman and Greek physicians and surgeons have a good account of their efforts at their attempts to treat cancers. But many a times just as Hippocrates had believed a patient is incurable after the diagnosis of cancer. Although in modern history there are instances when cancer has been cured even after it has metastasized.

Cancer treatments in almost all the cases are a combination of surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Although there are also other ongoing developments in the treatment of cancer like immunotherapy, hormone therapy, stem cell transplant, precision medicine, targeted therapy; chemotherapy appears will retain its pre-eminence for many years to come. A huge part of chemotherapy drugs has in the recent decades been developed through serious study of naturally occurring anticancer agents. In recent years more emphasis has been drawn to natural compounds and their derivatives since they are evidently non-invasive, less destructive and more effective in treatment of various instances of cancer (Eghtedari, Porzani, amp; Nowruzi, 2021). Numerous antibiotics and alkaloids as effective clinically active anticancer agents have been identified in natural products through vigorous research in the last 40 years. Many compounds and their derivatives derived from natural products have shown promising future in the treatment of cancer. It is of a great importance that this ongoing process of development of anticancer agents from natural products be reviewed periodically. The proposed thesis titled “Development of Novel Anticancer Agents based on Natural Products: a review” will essentially attempt to review recent progress in development of anticancer agents from natural products through an extensive study of literature and provide an insight into the topic to whosoever is interested in the subject matter.

Research methodology

Various scholars (Khazir, Riley, Pilcher, De-Maayer, amp; Mir, 2014), (Shah, Shah, Acharya, amp; Acharya, 2013), (Butler, 2004)in the field of pharmacy have attempted to portray the discovery and development of anticancer agents/drugs from diverse natural sources. However, since the development is a continuous process it needs to be updated regularly. The proposed thesis will endeavor to give an up-to-date review of the recent developments in anticancer drug development from natural products while also recompiling the development from less recent times. It will also discuss the drug development process and lead finding process through which leads are discovered and potential anticancer agents in natural products are studied for probable use in cancer treatment. The review will likewise analyze various scientific procedures through which compounds in natural products are evaluated for their applicability in medical practices. The thesis will furthermore review a case study of drug development through natural products which will ensure that it will give a general understanding of how drug development from a natural product is executed one step at a time. Depending on the availability, the proposed thesis will correspondingly narrate the development of an anticancer agent from the beginning of lead finding process to clinical trials.

The tentative table of content of the thesis will appear like the following:

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