
 2022-08-31 10:04:41


The progress analysis on accessibility research of Urban Park Greenland

摘 要


Urban green space plays an extremely important role in improving the ecological environment of the city, providing recreational amusement places for residents, and safeguarding the health and mental health of citizens. City park green space service level direct response of people to the city park green space utilization degree, is the spatial distribution of city park green space value evaluation is the important influencing factors. However,whether the residents will be able to enjoy the ecological services of the urban park green space is the Important indicators of urban environmental sustainability. As an important criterion for the rationality of spatial layout of urban service facilities, Accessibility can make up for the limitation of traditional evaluation methods and indexes. This article mainly from the concept of city park green space accessibility, research purpose and significance, the factors that affect accessibility, accessibility evaluation method of comparative study and GIS method to research the five point of view, the related research at home and abroad are reviewed, in order to further study of urban green space planning of green space accessibility, better to provide important reference and reference.

关键词:城市公园绿地; 可达性;研究进展

Keyword: Urban Park Greenland; Accessibility; Research progress

20 世纪 80 年代以来,我国“生态城市”、“园林城市”、“山水城市”等活动高潮迭起,但评价的指标体系却不很完善。目前我国的城市绿地规划的评价方法主要体现在1993年11月国家建设部颁布的《城市绿化规划建设指标的规定》,即以城市人均(公共、公园)绿地面积、城市绿化覆盖率和城市绿地率三大指标为主的评价体系,虽有利于从总体上把握城市绿地的数量特征,但均无法体现出绿地空间分布的合理性,以及市民获得绿地服务功能的便利程度。从而限制了对绿地服务价值的评价,由此引起了生态环境效应和社会经济效益的系列问题。例如,人均公园绿地面积指标仅代表某个城市居民占用的公园绿地的面积,而不反映公园绿地的分布结构、质量等情况。假如一个城市的公园绿地只由几块面积较大的绿地组成,尽管人均面积较高,但居民日常生活中亲绿的需要并不能得到很好的满足。近年来许多学者结合以人为本的规划思想和景观生态学方法,从不同角度对绿地规划指标体系提出了修正意见,其中绿地景观可达性是最有代表性的新增城市绿地功能评价指标之一。绿地可达性反映的是到达附近绿地资源的便利程度,以评价居民是否能够方便和平等地享用这种自然的服务。以绿地可达性作为城市绿地的评价指标,则可以有效弥补传统指标的不足。本文主要从城市公园绿地可达性的定义及特征,城市公园绿地可达性的研究目的及意义,影响城市公园绿地可达性的因素,城市公园绿地可达性评价模型的构建以及城市公园绿地可达性的主要研究方法五个角度,对国内外相关研究进行了评述,并在此基础上总结了目前城市绿地可达性研究存在的主要问题,进而提出该领域为未来研究的方向,以期为深入研究城市绿地可达性、更好的规划和设计绿地提供重要的借鉴和参考。

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