
 2023-10-08 08:56:20


现状及发展趋势:本课题选择IRS1基因基于国内外对于妊娠糖尿病的发病的风险因素研究基本集中在年龄,饮食,体重指数,家族史,没有精确到具体指标数值计算。在这之前学者很少有研究IRS1基因与妊娠期糖尿病发病关联 ,因此本课题打算进一步验证IRS1基因与妊娠期糖尿病发病的相关性程度,运用病例对照研究计算出具体相关数值,提高研究的精确度。



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3 Dongmei,S., Feifei, L., Ya, Z. Xianming, X. Associations of the pre-pregnancy BMIand gestational BMI gain with pregnancy outcomes in Chinese women withgestational diabetes mellitus. Int J ClinExp Med 7, 5784-5789 (2014).

4 Moosazadeh,M. et al. Family history of diabetesand the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus in Iran: A systematic review andmeta-analysis. Diabetes MetabolicSyndrome 11 Suppl 1 (2016).

5 Siddiqui,S., Waghdhare, S., Jha, S. Dubey, S. Role of immunological markers ingestational diabetes mellitus-a brief review. Diabetes Metab Syndr, doi:10.1016/j.dsx.2018.07.018 (2018).

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