
 2022-07-27 16:46:02


摘 要

透明质酸(hyaluronic acid)是由N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖(GlcNAc)和葡萄糖醛酸(GlcUA)通过beta;-1,4和beta;-1,3糖苷键反复交替连接而成的高分子聚合物。由于其自身特殊的理化性质,透明质酸在医学领域、化妆品领域和食品领域都有着广泛的应用。本文围绕添加各种脂肪族氨基酸的单变量对照试验,探究脂肪族氨基酸的添加对于利用兽疫链球菌发酵制取透明质酸出产量的影响。并对它的制备方法和前景加以概述。


Study on the Production of Hyaluronic Acid by Microorganisms by Addition of Aliphatic Amino Acids


Hyaluronic acid is a macromolecule polymer composed of N-acetyl glucosamine (GlcNAc) and glucuronic acid (GlcUA) which are alternately and repeatedly connected through beta;-1,4 and beta;-1,3 glyosidic bonds. Due to its own special physical and chemical properties, hyaluronic acid has a wide range of applications in the medical field, cosmetics field and food field. This article focuses on the addition of various aliphatic amino acids in a single-variable control trial to explore the addition of aliphatic amino acids for the production of hyaluronic acid by streptococcus faecalis production. And outline its preparation methods and prospects.

Keywords: Hyaluronic acid; application; production preparation; animal disease streptococcus

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