
 2023-02-28 21:40:02




Nanofiltration Process Principleandits Application in the Fieldof Traditional Chinese Medicine


(College of PharmacyNanjing University of Chinese MedicineNanjing 210023China)

【Abstract】As a new type of separation and purification technology, membrane separation technology has been applied in many fields like chemical engineering. But it applied less in the field of traditional Chinese medicine pharmacy. This paper introduces the basic concepts and characteristics of nanofiltration, researching NF process mechanism, including some common models like: Dissolution-Diffusion effect,Steric Pore effect, Donnan effect,Electric Charge effect and so on. And new research progress on the application of membrane separation technology was presented in the traditional Chinese medicine pharmacy and the research prospects of membrane separation technology were also been pointed out.

【Key words】Process mechanism; Nanofiltration; Traditional Chinese Medicine

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