
 2022-08-03 15:17:46


The Research of WeChat Public Account Information Service Platform

Burton J


With the further development of mobile and Internet, people gradually to instant messaging communication from the Internet to mobile instant messaging applications, and start at any time, any place way of communication, different from SMS and MMS, mobile instant messaging applications in mobile network to realize cross-platform and terminal set voice,text, image,low cost high efficiency service. On August 17, 2012,WeChat launched a public platform, brought a new opportunity for individuals and businesses. Through this platform, individuals and enterprises can build their own WeChat public accounts, and implement and characteristic groups of words, pictures, voice of omni-directional communication and interaction.WeChat public platform, which immediately by business, media,public institutions,star personal and individual users popular, and makes the WeChat public platform after sina weibo has become a has the important status of the new media

operation platform.

Keywords: WeChat, public information service platform, interactive mode,design

  1. Introduction

Mobile Internet mobile networks and the Internet through mobile terminal equipment, is the product of the traditional Internet and mobile communication each other fusion. Mobile Internet becomes an extension of the traditional Internet in space,help mankind to get rid of the geographical restrictions,make people can be in any place with a mobile network can access to information. The vigorous development of the mobile Internet,instant messaging applications from PC to mobile devices. Represented by WeChat the rise of a new type of mobile instant messaging applications,more and more individuals and enterprises use WeChat public platform to build their own brands and on creating value and wealth. WeChat public platform provides public information interaction between user and fan function, but the function is limited, make public, users canft more good represent your brand, and use the developer mode will spend too much cost.

WeChat become important user entry mobile Internet era. Vast amounts of user to contain the huge marketing and promotion value.WeChat based on communication and social the two core functions

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