
 2022-07-15 16:12:44


摘 要




User Experience Oriented Interface Design of Goods Exchange Platform


With the continuous progress of society, people#39;s shopping ideas and shopping methods have also undergone great changes. On the one hand, we do not know how to properly and better deal with some idle items; On the other hand, the frequent replacement of some expensive fashion items does bring about a lot of economic pressure. Therefore, the traditional exchange of goods seems to have emerged a new vitality, and the establishment of an object exchange website seems to have great opportunities.

Many exchange and even trading platforms have a poor user experience, resulting in audiences that have not been as expected. One of the important reasons is the design of the interface. Nowadays, with the rise of computer fever, the number of talents at the front and rear ends has increased. Various web platforms and APPs have mushroomed. However, the overall quality has not been high, and many visual effects are not satisfactory. They can not attract more audiences and are not easy to retain old customers. Can not increase customer viscosity. According to the barrel theory, the better the front and background design, if encountered a bad interface visual design of this short board, can not fully play the effect. Therefore, the quality of interface design for user experience has become an especially important thing.

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