
 2022-07-25 14:29:21




A simple method to produce biobased iridescent pigments from cellulose nanocrystal (CNC) films is reported.The process consists of forming nanostructured films from a CNC liquid-crystalline suspension and an appropriate dry grinding. The features of the iridescent pigments are described; they have a flake-like morphology with a thickness of 25mu;m. However, because of the presence of sulfate groups, thermal degradation and high redispersion in water occur, which affect the iridescent property of these biobased pigments. To overcome such limitations, two post-treatments are proposed. The sulfate ester groups are removed from the iridescent pigments with vacuum overdrying. The mass loss of iridescent pigment in

Water is reduced with an increase of the ionic strength in the aqueous medium by NaCl addition. These post-treatments have proven to be efficient and engineered pigments based on CNC films can be used to add anticounterfeiting features to packaging manufactured by classical paper techniques or extrusion.

Keywords: Nanocellulose; Cellulose nanocrystals; Iridescence; Pigment grinding



纳米纤维素表现出优异的性能,包括高表面积(250m2/g),高纵横比(gt;50) 并且杨氏模数比凯夫拉(聚对苯二甲酰对苯二胺)要好。此外,该纳米材料已被证明具有增强屏障和提高复合材料力学性能的潜力[13][37]。与无机纳米材料相比,它还具有较低的密度(1.5 g/cm 3)和使其化学官能化成为可能的反应表面[24][30]。不同类型的纳米纤维素是可利用的,包括纤维素纳米晶体(CNCs)和纤维素纳米纤维(CNFs),这取决于它的隔离处理,即无论分别使用化学处理还是机械分解。

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