
 2022-07-26 15:50:10

A tool for Designing and evaluating Packaging for Healthcare Products


Although significant resources are devoted to developing healthcare products that are safe and effective pharmacologically, significantly less effort is devoted to ensuring products perform as intended in the hands of providers and patients. Poor designs result in user confusion and frustration, and have the potential to lead to errors and adverse events.


The interaction that occurs between people and healthcare products is an area in need of study. The human-package interaction framework introduced by this paper is an analysis tool to support decision-making while designing and evaluating healthcare products.


According to this model, any healthcare product has: a set of intended users, varied contexts of use, and a series of tasks that users must accomplish (selection of the correct product, opening, administration, reclosing, disposal, etc.).


The model provides designers with a structured consideration set with regard to the interactions between people and healthcare products.

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