
 2022-07-27 10:45:13

Modification of PEN and PET film surfaces by plasma treatment and layer-by-layer assembly of polyelectrolyte multilayer thin films

作者:Toshiyuki Tamai amp; Mitsuru Watanabe amp; Koji Mitamura


Abstract The surfaces of polyethylene naphthalate and poly-ethylene terephthalate films were modified by plasma treat-ment, layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly of polyelectrolyte multi-layer thin films and subsequent deposition of SiO2 particles. Plasma treatment rendered the film surfaces hydrophilic and led to the formation of fibrillar patterns. The plasma-treated film surfaces were compatible with multilayers acquired via LbL assembly, and the outer adsorbed polyelectrolyte layer determined the charge of the multilayer surfaces. Negatively charged SiO2 particles were adsorbed to the positively charged surface of the multilayers. This process is potentially applicable to surface modifications of polymer materials by charged compounds.

Keywords Polymer surface modification . Plasma treatment . Layer-by-layer assembly . Polyelectrolyte multilayer thin film . Polyethylene naphthalate . Polyethylene terephthalate





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