
 2022-08-05 14:37:26

Gaze and Eye Contact: A Research Review




Research on gaze and eye contact was organized within the framework of Pattersons (1982) sequen-tial functional model of nonverbal exchange. Studies were reviewed showing how gaze functions to(a) provide information, (b) regulate interaction, (c) express intimacy, (d) exercise social control,and (e) facilitate service and task goals. Research was also summarized that describes personal,experiential, relational, and situational antecedents of gaze and reactions to gaze. Directions weregiven for a functional analysis of the relation between gaze and physiological responses. Attributiontheories were integrated into the sequential model for making predictions about peoples perceptions of their own gazing behavior and the gazing behavior of others. Data on peoples accuracy in report-ing their own and others gaze were presented and integrated with related findings in attribution research. The sequential model was used to analyze research studies measuring the interaction between gaze and personal and contextual variables. Methodological and measurement issues were discussed and directions were outlined for future research.


These lovely lamps, these windows of the soul. (Du Bartas)

The eyes have one language everywhere. (George Herbert)

There are often voice and words in a silent look. (Ovid)

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