
 2022-07-24 11:41:06

摘 要




The design of lawn trimming machine


With the rapid economic and social development of the times, people#39;s requirements for the ecological environment around is also more and more high. Lawn greening has become a measure of a country, region or city civilization and development of an important indicator, beautify the environment, purify the air, protect the ecological balance has become the consensus of mankind, and ecological construction and environmental protection has become more and more important position[1]. The rapid development of the lawn industry is bound to promote the application and development of lawn machinery, which means a lot of demand for lawn mowing machinery, such as lawn mowers, lawn mowers, lawn mowers, etc., to understand the lawn mowing machinery and its development history, problems and development trends, has a very important significance for the development of lawn machinery in China.

There is still a long way to go between the lawn machinery on the domestic market and the lawn machinery on the foreign market. At present, the domestic basic agricultural production machinery, mostly diesel engine and safety is not very high. Foreign basic and high power tractor supporting work, one machine multi - purpose. China#39;s lawn machinery should be in line with foreign countries, in order to foreign level as the goal, continue to study hard, develop a truly belong to China#39;s lawn trimming machine.

Keywords: lawn, edger, Greening machinery

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