
 2022-07-30 17:18:13


摘 要:机械化采收是林果全程机械化作业中的重要一环,对促进林果产业健康发展和果农种植效益起到了重要作用。本文首先针对不同林果机械化收获机械在国外的应用进行介绍,随后分析国内林果机械化采收研究进展,对比了4YS—24型红枣收获机,4ZZ - 4型自走式红枣收获机与YE3600型气吸式红枣收获机械的异同。发现现有的林果收获机并不适于我国新疆矮化密植红枣的种植模式,对市场化要求还有一定差距,后列举出几种试验台的研究对实际采收及采收机械的研制有不同程度的帮助,因此开展针对红枣激振装置试验台结构设计与实验研究为后续采收机械整机进一步推广应用具有较强的实际意义。


Summary for Structural design and experimental study of the test bed of the red date excitation device

Abstract: Mechanized harvesting is an important part of the whole process of mechanization of forest fruit, which plays an important role in promoting the healthy development of fruit industry and the fruiting efficiency of fruit farmers. This paper first introduces the application of different forest fruit mechanized harvesting machinery in foreign countries, and then analyzes the research progress of domestic forestry mechanized harvesting, compares 4YS-24 red jujube harvesting machine, 4ZZ-4 self-propelled jujube harvesting machine and YE3600 The similarities and differences of air suction jujube harvesting machinery. It is found that the existing forest fruit harvesting machine is not suitable for the planting mode of the dwarf densely planted red jujube in Xinjiang, China, and there is still a certain gap in the marketization requirements. The research on several test benches has been developed for the actual harvesting and harvesting machinery. With different levels of help, it is of great practical significance to carry out the structural design and experimental research of the test bench for the jujube excitation device for the further promotion and application of the subsequent harvesting machine.

Key Words:Jujube harvesting; Vibration; Test Bench; Dwarf and close planting

  1. 研究的目的及意义

红枣作为新疆的红色支柱产业,其种植面积在不断增加。据不完全统计,目前新疆红枣的种植面积近53.3 万hm2。目前,新疆红枣的大面积种植品种主要以骏枣和灰枣种植为主[1]。因日照充足,为提高产能,新疆红枣种植均采用大面积矮化密植模式,普遍采用4times;1.5m(行距times;株距)的种植模式,部分采用3times;2m 的种植模式,与其他常用的枣树种植相比,果树行之间较为密集。矮化密植始于20世纪80年代,该模式便于管理,成本回收期短,已成为当今发展的主流种植模式[2]



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