
 2022-08-04 10:02:38


摘 要

马铃薯是一种世界性经济产物,也是我国第四大粮食作物,总产量居世界前列。然而,尽管我国是世界马铃薯种植大国, 但马铃薯机械化收获比重很小,与大多数国家马铃薯生产机械化水平相比, 落后很多。要实现中国马铃薯主粮化这个目标,必须依靠现代化的生产、运 输、贮藏和加工设备,而我国现有马铃薯机械化收获水平已远远满足不了产业的发展。而且,现有的马铃薯收获机存在价格昂贵,适应地形少,破薯率高,作业质量差等问题。现需要研制出更加高效、高质量的马铃薯收获机。


The overall design of the potato harvester


Potato is a world economic products, but also Chinas fourth largest food crops, the total output ranks the forefront of the world. However, although China is the worlds potato growing country, but the proportion of potato mechanization harvest is very small, with most countries compared to the level of potato production mechanization, behind a lot. To achieve the goal of potato grain staple food in China, we must rely on modern production, transportation, storage and processing equipment, and Chinas existing potato mechanization harvest level has been far from the industry can not meet the development. Moreover, the existing potato harvester is expensive, adapt to the terrain, the high rate of potatoes, poor quality of work and other issues. Now need to develop a more efficient, high-quality potato harvester.

Key words:Potato harvesting machine; imitation broken soil device; potato potato separation device;transmission system.

1 课题研究目的和意义

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