
 2022-08-04 10:39:18





Topic:Design of Hand - held Brush Cutter


In recent years, Chinas shrub planting area continued to expand, sand shrubs stubble harvesting has become a big problem, efficient cutting irrigation machinery has gradually become the choice of forestry workers. In foreign countries, the development of cutting brush machine earlier, the starting point is high, the level is also high, widely used modern science and technology, the whole light quality, easy to use, power, has formed a product line. And mostly multipurpose lawn mower, more types of products, the development of relatively mature, portable cutting machine have a certain study. Compared with foreign products, Chinas cutting machine research started late, mostly for the back of the cutting machine, compared with foreign performance and protective measures are more advanced backpack-type brush cutting machine is far away, and no independent research and development of portable Irrigation machine. The motor-based portable cutting machine, with easy to carry, flexible operation, effectively reduce the vibration and control chip splash and other advantages, while effectively solve the backpack type cutting machine noise, vibration and other shortcomings. Therefore, the design and research of portable cutting machine is imminent.

Key words: Cutting machine;Lawn mower;Cut the circular saw blade

  1. 课题研究目的和意义

我国灌木树种资源极为丰富, 近几年来, 为了防风固沙、保持水土、改善生态系统、维持生态平衡, 正在持续大面积种植灌木, 我国西部地区沙生灌木资源也非常丰富且集中。根据沙生灌木的生物学特性, 每3~5年就需进行平茬,平茬后生长加快, 萌发力加强, 具有复壮作用。平茬收割时若手工劳作, 其劳动强度大且生产效率低, 因此只有使用专业的割灌机械才能提高生产效率。

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