
 2022-08-04 11:03:17


关键字:俢枝;机器人;自动化;清洗; 攀爬;监测;

Current research and development of tree-climbing machines

Abstract:Forestry industry are playing a more and more important role in the economic development in China. As a result, developed forestry machines are needed to maintain the growth of forest. In the forestry machine industry, international tree-climbing machines have been developed, however, which is not suitable for the specific forest situation in China. On the contrary, domestic tree-climbing machines are still in a relative developing position. Currently,the tree climbing machines which are available on the market is inefficient, low-automated and with intense worker labor. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a simple and portable, robotized climbing machine, which is also easy to operate, maintain and repair. As a result, it increases the speed of climbing and pruning and is also with the function of detection of high space and the specific growth situation of the trees. This passage is about the overall design of the tree-climbing machine, including the selection and optimal of engine, clutch,frictional ratchet, electric putter,reducer, compression spring and tire, as well as the assembly and optimal.

Key words: pruning; robot; automated; cleaning; climbing;detection;





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