
 2022-07-25 21:17:21


摘 要::从建筑设计角度上看,建筑表皮形态表达是建筑设计中的一项重要环节。通过对特定的建筑表皮材料——原竹的研究,探索和建立一种与之对应的建筑外观设计改造方法并应用于既有建筑中,有利于认识到原竹语言对建筑表皮创作的重要性,体现建筑师自然的设计理念,符合当代绿色生态环保理念。


The Research and Design of Architectural Appearance Regeneration for Existing Buildings by Using Bamboo as Architectural Surface

Abstract: From the perspective of architectural design, the expression of the form of architectural surface is an important part of architectural design. Through the study of the original bamboo,the specific architectural epidermis material, this paper explores and establishes a corresponding reconstruction method of architectural appearance design which will be probably applied to the existing buildings. It is beneficial to realize the importance of original bamboo language to the creation of the architectural skin,and it also embodies the nature of the the architect#39;s design concept and green,ecological, environmental awareness in contemporary.

Keywords:Bamboo ; Architectural Surface ; Existing Buildings; Architectural Appearance Regeneration

1 原竹作为建筑表皮的外观改造设计背景



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