基于“2D Packing”算法的板式家具优化下料方案研究文献综述

 2022-08-10 14:31:58


摘要: 本文综述将目前人造板行业的板材切割最优方案问题简化成最常见的二维装箱问题,即不连续,高度非线性的NP问题。介绍了针对此类问题的'Shelves'、'Guillotine'、'MaxRects'、'Skyline'等传统算法,但结果仅仅是较优的局部最优解,其解对木板规格有很大的依赖性。针对上述传统算法的弊端,建立数学模型,进而重点介绍了一个基于种群迭代,基因变异的种群遗传算法,及其通过迭代对局部最优解的校正原理。最后展望了板材切割优化方案对提高板材利用率和加工效率以节约原材料、以及对我国人造板行业和板式家具制造业的重要意义。


Summary of the research on the optimal cutting scheme of wood panel

Abstract: In this study summarizing, the optimal cutting scheme of panel in wood-based panel industry is reduced to the most common 'two-dimensional packing' problem, that is, the discontinuous, highly nonlinear NP problem. Traditional algorithms such as 'Shelves', 'Guillotine', 'MaxRects' and 'Skyline' for this kind of problems are introduced. Aiming at the disadvantages of the traditional algorithm, a mathematical model is established, furthermore, a population genetic algorithm based on population iteration and gene variation, and the correction principle of local optimal solution through iteration are introduced. Finally, the significance of the optimized cutting scheme for improving the utilization rate and processing efficiency of sheet metal to save raw materials, as well as for the wood-based panel industry and panel furniture manufacturing industry in China is prospected.

keywords: wood-based panel, two-dimensional packing, genetic algorithm, iteration, optimal




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