
 2022-08-10 14:41:40

摘要: 水凝胶是具有物理或化学交联形成的3D网络结构。由于具有灵活性,含水率高和良好的生物相容性等一系列优势,是生物医学,组织工程,可穿戴电子设备,柔性传感器,仿生电子设备等应用的有希望的候选者。然而,传统水凝胶的机械性能差是扩大其应用范围的障碍。因此制造坚固的水凝胶是促进其广泛应用的重中之重。当前,由于对环境污染和资源短缺的日益关注,将生物质和可生物降解的原料用于高性能水凝胶具有重要意义。木质素是仅次于纤维素的第二大生物质资源,是一种廉价,易于获得,无毒且生态友好的生物聚合物,具有自然生物降解性,被认为是“绿色材料”的有价值的候选者。研究制备的基于双网络结构的高力学性能木质素基水凝胶有望在电容器、传感器等领域发挥重大作用。


Abstract: Hydrogel is a 3D network structure formed by physical or chemical cross-linking. With a series of advantages such as flexibility, high moisture content, and good biocompatibility, it is a promising candidate for applications in biomedicine, tissue engineering, wearable electronics, flexible sensors, bionic electronics, etc. However, the poor mechanical properties of traditional hydrogels are an obstacle to expanding their application. Therefore, making a strong hydrogel is a top priority to promote its wide application. At present, due to increasing attention to environmental pollution and resource shortages, it is of great significance to use biomass and biodegradable raw materials for high-performance hydrogels. Lignin is the second largest biomass resource after cellulose. It is a cheap, easily available, non-toxic and eco-friendly biopolymer with natural biodegradability and is considered to be a valuable 'green material' Candidate. The high mechanical properties of lignin-based hydrogels based on the dual network structure prepared by the research are expected to play a significant role in capacitors, sensors and other fields.

Keywords: Dual network structure hydrogel,Lignin, Disulfide, Capacitor,Sensor.






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