
 2022-08-10 14:49:31





Research status of ultrastructure and histochemistry on cell wall of archeological wood

Abstract: During the burial conditions, burial period, degradation factors, and even storage conditions after excavation, the archeological wooden objects could present different structural changes, also the physical and chemical characteristics. Most of the excavated wooden objects unearthed in dry conditions, especially from the areas with low annual rainfall, appears fragile and brittle characteristics, which is sensitive during transportation and environment changes. This is because the main chemical components of cell wall severely degraded, which namely polysaccharides. The ultrastructure of cell wall is also uneven changed. Based on previous studies of archeological wooden objects, especially the researches on the wood excavated in arid areas, the degradation characteristics and ultrastructure of decayed wood are summarized. The influence of burial conditions on the histochemistry of wood cell wall is discussed. The similarities and differences of the cell wall ultrastructural changes on different wood species are also compared. Combined with the current advanced techniques and preservation process, the suitable and effective method for deteriorated wooded objects on site and in the state of collection are proposed.

Keywords: degradation; polysaccharides; lignin; archeological wood; shrinkage; fragile; reinforcement



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