摘 要: 本课题选择北亚热带不同森林类型,采集其凋落物层(A0层),并划分不同分解阶段,同时采集有机表土层,分析不同的有机层中与有机物分解和物质转化相关的各种生化指标,从有机层分解的角度探讨不同森林类型的养分循环以及土壤碳的积蓄特征,以期为可持续型森林类型选择提供参考。
关键词: 森林凋落物;分解;限制因素;碳库
Research Progress of Forest Litter
Shi Jiyuan
(Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing 210037)
Abstract: This topic selection of different forest types in northern subtropics, collecting the litter layer (A0), and divided into different stages of decomposition, organic topsoil collected at the same time, the analysis of different organic layer related to organic matter decomposition and transformation of material in a variety of biochemical indicators, from the view point of the organic layer decomposition of different forest types and soil nutrient cycling of carbon savings features, so as to provide the reference in the process of sustainable forest type choice .
Key words: forest litter; decomposition; limiting factors; carbon library
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