
 2022-07-22 13:41:10




The literature of the study of the leather carvings of the Tang card

Abstract: Pidiao long history spread widely in the world, which is called the Encyclopedia of Tibetan Thangka, Thangka art to show when the leather carving process, and combining with the collision through two kinds of art forms, which broadens the content and direction of Pidiao also increased the form and transmission of Thangka Thangka. In succession on the basis of leather carving skills and Thangka art has been a new development, allowing viewers to produce new visual experience. Combining originated from European Renaissance tapestries and Oriental Thangka also reflects the western culture and learn from each other can change the way of artistic expression, Tibetan Buddhist Thangka, paper, cloth, silk, traditional Thangka painting and replace with leather, carving painting instead of material change because compared to traditional paper silk cloth the more easy to save, but also enrich the ornamental traditional thangka.

Keywords: Leather carvings, Thangka, leather carvings Thangka, Tang Cao

  1. 皮雕的历史研究状况:




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