
 2022-07-31 15:21:26

摘 要


关键词:老年人 肢体运动康复 功能床具设计


With the improvement of medical level and the influence of family planning policies, the degree of aging of the society will become higher and higher, and the number of elderly people will increase. The health of the elderly, especially the rehabilitation and rehabilitation of the body will become more and more serious. Received attention. Through the research and analysis of the domestic and international research status of the physical rehabilitation, the physiological, psychological and behavioral characteristics of the elderly, and the rehabilitation of the limbs, the problems of the elderly in the physical rehabilitation and rehabilitation, as well as the causes of the problems are found, and the elderly limbs are designed. The principles and points of the rehabilitation function bed are applied to the subsequent design.

Keywords: Elderly Physical rehabilitation Functional bed design

1 国内外研究现状


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