
 2022-07-31 15:21:59

摘 要


关键词:养老 智能家居 国家政策 现状和问题


On the one hand, China has entered an aging society, and the ordinary family living environment has been difficult to adapt to the actual living needs of the elderly; on the other hand, the state attaches more and more importance to intelligent old-age care. In February 2017, the 'Intelligent and Healthy Old-age Industry Development Action Plan (2017-2020)' was issued, marking the first national intelligent old-age industry plan. By means of intellectualized transformation, the ordinary family living environment can be changed into a safe, comfortable and convenient home environment for the elderly, which is the common function of social development trend and national policy orientation. By comparing the research and development status of home intellectualization for the elderly at home and abroad, this paper analyses the problems of home intellectualization and summarizes the reasons.

Keywords:Pension Smart Home National Policy Current situation and problems




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