
 2022-07-14 16:32:41


[摘要]焦化废水属于典型的高氨氮难降解有毒有害工业废水。采用预处理- 生物处理

( A/O/O) - 后混凝联合工艺处理焦化废水,介绍了工艺流程、主要构筑物设计参数及设备选型。通过对废水处理系统进行水质调研,分析评价了其处理效果和出水水质指标。该工艺对COD、TOC、氨氮、总氮的去除率分别为95. 6%、97. 6%、99. 9%、96. 0%,对重金属也有一定的去除效果。出水多项指标达到《污水综合排放标准》( GB 8978—1996) 一级标准,经进一步深度处理后可完全达标排放。


Process Design of Wastewater Treatment in Tangshan Coking Plant

Abstract:Coking wastewater is a typically refractory and toxic industrial wastewater with high ammonia nitrogen.The process flow, main construction design parameters and equipment selection of a combined coking wastewater treatment process including pretreatment /biological treatment ( A/O/O) /post coagulation were introduced.Based on the investigation of wastewater treatment system,the operation efficiency and effluent quality were analyzed and evaluated.The removal rates of COD,TOC,ammonia nitrogen and total nitrogen were 95.6%,97.6%,99.9% and 96.0%,respectively.The process also has a certain effect on removal of heavy metals.A number of indicators in the effluent can reach the first level criteria in Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard ( GB 8978 - 1996) .The effluent can be discharged completely after further advanced treatment with extra cost.

Keywords: Coking wastewater; process design;A/O/O process



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