
 2022-07-14 16:43:54


[摘要]针对常山县某污水处理厂处理规模增加、排放标准提高和出水偶尔不达标等问题,采用改造生化处理单元和增设深度处理单元等措施,对污水处理设施进行了扩建和提标改造。实际运行结果表明,改造后污水处理厂采用厌氧水解 - CAST - 反硝化深床滤池组合工艺,处理效果良好,出水水质稳定并达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》( GB 18918—2002) 的一级 A 标准。


Summary of Technological Design for Expansion and Bidding Improvement of Changshan Sewage Treatment Plant

Abstract:Considering the increasing amount of wastewater,the improvement of discharge standard and the occasionally failing to meet the discharge standards,the sewage treatment facilities were expanded and upgraded by several measures including reconstructing biochemical treatment unit and adding advanced treatment unit. The actual operation results showed that after the reconstruction,the combined process of anaerobic hydrolysis,cyclic activated sludge technology (CAST),and denitrification deep-bed filter,had good treatment effect. The final effluent could meet the first level A criteria specified in theDischarge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant(GB 18918 - 2002).

Keywords: wastewater treatment plant; upgrading reconstruction; yclic activated sludge technology (CAST);denitrification deep-bed filter


常山县某污水处理厂一期工程设计处理规模为2. 0 times; 104 m3 /d,采用水解 - CAST - 紫外线消毒组合工艺,出水水质执行《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918—2002)一级 B 标准。在多年的运行过程中,污水处理厂出水稳定达标,尾水通过江心多点排放管排入常山港。然而,随着常山县工业企业和人口的不断增多,污水处理厂的进水量稳步增长,最高进水量已达到了 2. 2 times; 104 m3 /d,突破了该污水处理厂一期工程的设计能力。另外,根据《浙江省人民政府关于印发浙江省清洁水源行动方案的通知》(浙政发[2011]60 号) 的要求,到 2015 年太湖流域、钱塘江流域城镇污水处理设施需执行一级A 标准,而常山港正属于钱塘江上游。因此,该污水处理厂的处理设施必须进行扩建及提标改造。


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