
 2022-07-14 16:44:31


[摘要]由于乳制品废水含有乳蛋白、碳水化合物等多种有机物,废水的可生化性较好,但生物降解较慢,所需处理时间比较长,且在污水处理中,易在各阶段产生不同的臭气。乳制品废水作为典型的工业废水,若未经处理或处理不当直接排入水体势必对环境造成危害,因此废水须经处理达标排放。目前国内对乳制品废水的处理主要以好氧工艺为主,但一般达不到出水水质的要求。本项目以某液态奶废水处理工程为例,介绍了调节——水解酸化——厌氧——反硝化——接触氧化——BAF 工艺的应用。


Methods Review of Dairy Companyrsquo;s Liquid Milk Wastewater

Abstract:As dairy wastewater contains a variety of organic compounds such as milk protein and carbohydrate, it has good biodegradability but slow biodegradation and requires a long time of treatment. In addition, in sewage treatment, it is easy to produce different odor at each stage.Dairy wastewater, as a typical industrial wastewater, is bound to cause harm to the environment if it is discharged into the water body without treatment or improper treatment.At present, the treatment of dairy wastewater mainly by aerobic process, but generally can not meet the requirements of effluent quality.Taking a liquid milk wastewater treatment project as an example, this project introduces the application of regulating - hydrolytic acidification - anaerobic - denitrification - contact oxidation - BAF process.

Keywords: Dairy wastewater; research progress; treatment technology




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