
 2022-07-29 15:23:16


摘要:金鼎纺织印染厂主要来源于生活废水和生产废水,其中生产废水主要是纺织废水和印染废水。废水中的杂质、色度和COD较高,但水中含有大量的纤维素、染料等难生物降解有机物,导致废水的可生化性较低。本文根据进出水性质和当地的气候特点,结合国内外的研究和应用现状,拟采用厌氧生物处理对废水进行处理以提高其可生化性,而后采用好氧生物处理来去除水中的有机物,保证出水达到《纺织染整工业水污染物排放标准》(GB 4287-2016)排放标准。


Design about wastewater treatment engineering of Jinding textile printing and dyeing factory

Abstract:Jinding Textile printing and dyeing factory mainly originates from domestic wastewater and production wastewater, in which the production wastewater is mainly textile wastewater and printing and dyeing wastewater. The impurities, chroma and cod in the wastewater are high, but the water contains a large amount of cellulose, dyes and other difficult biodegradable organics, resulting in low biodegradability of wastewater. In this paper, according to the nature of access water and local climatic characteristics, combined with domestic and foreign research and application status, anaerobic biological treatment is proposed to improve its biodegradability, and then aerobic biological treatment is used to remove organic matter in water to ensure the effluent reaches the standard of pollutant discharge in textile dyeing and finishing industry (GB 4287-2016) emission standards。

Keywords: Wastewater, textile, dyeing, design



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