
 2022-07-29 17:06:00



【关键词】高层建筑 给排水 消防供水 工程设计

【Abstract】The Times have evolved and our economy has been developing continuously.With the deepening of modernization, modernization is indispensable. Compared with the rural areas, the construction of urbanization has brought a lot of engineering projects.In order to meet the requirements of housing, a large number of high-rise buildings are needed in order to meet the requirements of housing. Therefore, the fire protection engineering of high-rise buildings is becoming more and more important, and the corresponding technical requirements are higher and higher.Effective design of water supply and drainage system in terms of processing is one of the more important, difficult, attaches great importance to, need to be more ideal measures and means, gradually enhance the level of design and ensure the overall flow is reasonable.This paper analyzes the differences between the water supply and drainage of high-rise buildings and the water supply and drainage of ordinary buildings, and puts forward solutions to the problems of high-rise buildings.At the same time, the present situation of water supply and drainage design of high-rise buildings is reviewed and summarized by means of water supply, drainage and fire fighting system.

【Keywords】high-rise bulidings,water supply and drainage works,fire water supply system,engineering design

  • 随着经济的提高科学的发展,高层建筑的高度在不断提高。较之于普通建筑,高层建筑具有层数多、高度大、振动源多、用水要求高、排水量大等特点。因此对建筑给排水工程的设计施工材料及管理方面都提出了新的技术要求,所以必须采取新的技术措施,才能确保给排水系统的良好情况,满足各类高层建筑的功能要求。





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