
 2022-07-29 17:06:21


摘要:高层建筑已经成为了当前我国社会发展的重要组成部分,这种给水排水系统的要求也比较高,需要确保其相关设计工作的落实能够较为合理可靠。对于给水系统设计和排水系统的设计都有明确的要求。目前,高层建筑的消防设计,增压供水设备的选择,管材系统的选择也是设计中必须规范的部分。文章就重点围绕着高 层建筑给排水工程设计方法进行了简要的分析和论述。


Abstract:High rise building has become an important part of the current social development in China. The requirement of this water supply and drainage system is relatively high. It is necessary to ensure that the implementation of relevant design work is more reasonable and reliable. There is a clear requirement for the design of the water supply system and the design of the drainage system. At present, the fire design of high-rise buildings, the selection of pressurized water supply equipment and the selection of pipe system are also part of the design. The article focuses on the brief analysis and discussion about the design method of water supply and drainage engineering in high-rise buildings.

[Keywords]:High rise building, water supply system, drainage system, fire control design, water supply equipment


高层建筑已经成为了当前我国社会 发展的重要组成部分,其虽然实际效益 较为突出,有效缓解了城市发展中建筑 用地面积不足的问题,但是同时也提升 了建筑施工的难度,尤其是对于相应高 层建筑中各个系统结构的布置,更是需 要引起高度重视。其中给水排水系统方 面的有效设计处理就是比较重要的一环, 其难度同样也比较大,需要引起高度重 视,采取较为理想的措施和手段,逐步 提升其设计水平,保障整体运行能够较 为流畅合理。


  1. 给水系统的分类和组成


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