
 2022-07-29 17:06:48




Fire Control Design of High-rise Building

and New Energy Conservation Technology

Abstract:In recent years, the economy of China is developing at a surprising speed, the population of large and medium-sized cities is inceasingly dense.In order to solve the problem of land supply, the proportion of high-rise buildings continues to increase. High-rise building structure is complex, the use of more personnel, the fire spreads fast, so scientific and rational design of fire water supply and drainage system is particularly important. The shortage of China#39;s resource will directly hinder the sustainable development, so high-rise building water conservation and energy conservation work has been urgent.

This essay analyzes the present situation of fire water supply design in domestic high - rise buildings, and discusses the application of energy - saving and water - saving technology in building water supply and drainage, so as to realize the fundamental purpose of saving energy and saving water from the standpoint of economy, reasonable and safe.

Keywords: high-rise building;fire contro; water conservation; energy conservation.


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