
 2022-07-14 16:48:32




Methods Review of WWTP in QIANJIANG City

Abstract:The design scale of the first phase of XiaoShan QianJiang sewage treatment plant is 120000m3/d, and the bioreactor technology of colleges and universities is adopted. The design scale of the second phase is 120000m3/d. With the continuous expansion of XiaoShan city scale and the continuous development of economy, the amount of sewage increases rapidly. In order to alleviate the operational pressure of XiaoShan QianJiang sewage treatment plant and further improve the water environment of QianTang river, the effluent quality of QianJiang sewage treatment plant needs to meet the 'urban sewage treatment plant pollutant discharge standard' (GB18918-2002) level A standard. Therefore, the phase Ⅲ expansion of the sewage plant and the phase I and Ⅱ bid upgrading project are extremely urgent.

Keywords: Urban sewage;expansion; upgrading and reconstruction




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