
 2022-07-17 16:43:52




中文图书分类号:TU531.3 文献标识码:A

Load-carrying Capacity of Intermediately Slender Parallel Srand Bamboo Columns with a Rectangular Cross Section under Eccentric Compression

Paralel stoand bamboo (PSB). a prcossd bamboo. composte. hasbeenusodas an alernaive to wood products in bulding andengnong apliatoc lnlastc analysis of PSB members is importantbecause of tho evident nonlinanty of the material The present workconducted experimental investigations on intermediately slender PSBcolumns subjected to biaxial eccentric loads. The bending failure, whichunderwent a pronounced nonlinear process, was the major characteristicof the intermediately siender PSB column that had a biaxial compressiveload The mid-height cross section of the columns can be divided intothree parts over its depth: the plastic compressive zone, the elasticcompressivo z0ne and the tensile zone. Both the secondary bendingand material nonlineanty were important factors that impacted thenonlinear response of the columns. An analytical method was presentedforevaluting tho load-arying capacity of intermediately slender PSB columns with rectanguar cross sectons under biaxial eccenccompression experiments and calculations .

Keywords:Parallel strand bamboo;Biaxially-loaded column;Nonlinear analysis;Load-carrying capacity


竹材由于其卓越的材料性能,快速生长以及对环境友好等特征,已经被当做一种持续性建材而广泛使用到建筑行业中(Amada and Untao 2001;Zhou et al.2012)。然而,原生竹材因材料的不均匀性以及尺寸等原因而无法满足现代建筑的要求。PSB是一种将细长竹材在一定的温度与压力下胶合而成的复合竹材。(Huang et al. 2015b,2016)。根据竹子的生长时间以及生长环境来将竹条分类,所以PSB有着可控的性能与尺寸,并且十分适合作为一种建材使用,

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